Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2007-05-20 Michelle's Update

May 20, 2007

Hi Everyone,

There are a lot of pictures attached. We've had an eventful couple of weeks. There's a picture of Ashley in her new sunglasses. It's really really bright here all day everyday. We have all gotten sunburned at 8:30 in the morning. I've learned to do sunscreen first thing. And now, thanks to hairspray sunscreen, it's quick and painless. Hooray for technology. There's also a picture of Katelyn's face. She fell off her bike. She was trying to sit on her bike while holding some beads and her bug catcher and before she could get her leg onto the other side the bike started going down the driveway. She was a good sport about it as there were barbie bandaids to put all over it. It's healed nicely. There are also some pictures of Ashley graduating from pre-school. I loved her pre-school, but I did a little dance I was so happy it was over. And this was only twice a week. I like my flexibility. Now we have nowhere we have to be since we also quit ballet. It's really really nice. I realize my life will be crazy in the fall so I am enjoying this lifestyle immensely. Ashley did a great job. Her teachers love her and say she is wonderful (is this a surprise to anyone?). She is still quite shy, but performed all her graduation duties quite well.

There's a picture of Justin rushing the graduation stage. It's his favorite game. It makes church interesting. He also loves to rush the pulpit. We try and sit up front to lessen the excitement since it's not as far to run, but it hasn't really helped. Hans let him go up there last week and bore his testimony, but it hasn't changed the habit. It's a fun game to him. I've tried steering him towards the back of the congregation, but he knows it is more fun to rush the pulpit. I made a scene at the graduation. I am to the point now where I get crazy looks due to the pregnant belly and three tiny children, I am sure. I just smile.

There are also some pictures of us sitting outside on our patio and of Katelyn playing with water. It is what we do all day. It's so nice. Justin loves the water and the trampoline and I just sit on a chair and keep my pregnant legs elevated. I have FINALLY sleep trained Justin. I don't know how he was lucky to be almost 14 months old when it happaned, but actually I think he is happier now. He wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 and then takes a nap at 10. No matter what. I wake him up at 12 and put him down at 3 again and wake him up at 5 (usually he's already awake). Then he goes to bed when he is tired and sleeps til morning. It only took 2 days to do this. Makes me wonder why I waited. It's SO nice.

What else? There are a couple of pictures of Hans on his new 50cc dirt bike. It's fun. It's street legal too. He wants to ride it to work when he is in his new space. He looks ridiculous on it, but it is a lot of fun. The girls love it. Justin is terrified. He runs top speed the opposite direction when he sees it coming. He is timid. This was Hans' father's day present early. He was extremely surprised. He rides it everyday.

Hans signed the lease to the new building. He is signing the architect on Monday and then it is just a matter of time (probably mid-september) when it will open. It's named Cordera Family Dentistry. It's kept Hans extremely busy. He's had a lot of lunch meetings and keeps himself busy on Friday afternoons. I've been so grateful that his office closes at 12 on Fridays and he has business hours to get his other stuff done. It's been nice for him to not have to take time off of work to accomplish all this. It's exciting. He signed a 10 year lease so we are here at least that long, I suppose.

I think that is a long email. I have been busy with kids. We are enjoying ourselves. We go swimming at the YMCA, to the park, lots of playdates with friends, etc. I finally found a running partner and it's great that it happans to be Kim. We run 3 days a week early in the morning. I am halfway to C-section day. Crazy. I decided to not find out the sex of the baby. Kim thinks I'm just in denial about this baby, but it's not totally true. I'm excited to keep it from ourselves.

Well, hope all is well with everyone.


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