Saturday, December 25, 2010

2010-12-24 Thomas family Christmas Eve breakfast

As per tradition we held the Zella Sorensen Thomas Christmas Eve Breakfast at Melissa and Michael's ward. The Fords did all the set up and clean up which is much appreciated. Again, Don Stauffer claimed this was his last Christmas before he dies.

Attending were

Laurel and Kim with Meredith, Nick and Ron, Emmalee, Ashlee and Gracie, Emily and Kimball, Annie and Lucy and Eloise.

Janet with Lisa and Jesse and with a surprise visit from Lisa's father, Keith Rollins.

Bill and Kandace with Halley, Katie, Chris, Sam, Max, and Janey.

Don and LaRue with Randy, Becky, Bill, Rock, Zinnie, Hazel, Ruby, Clara, Gene, Trevor, Steven, Erin, Madeline, Alex.

Donna Heath

Louise with Diane, Karen, Scott, Spencer, Camille and her husband, Steve.

Melissa and Michael with Thomas, Joshua, Benjamin and Jack

Mindy and Coray with Jonathan, Abby, Will and Sarah

Melanie and Jeff with Andrew, Elizabeth, Anna and Eden

and us - Tom and Paula

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