Things here are improving. Justin got another ear infection for which they gave him a shot of antibiotics in the leg. It's a one or two time shot depending on how they react and I don't have to do 2 weeks of antibiotics....again. Plus they were worried he had C. Diff (so they call it) since he;s been on so many and has had crazy amounts of diarrhea and vomiting. Turns out it's the rotovirus, which has pushed me close to the limits of my sanity this week. Thank goodness for well behaved girls. Someone stopped me yesterday to tell me how impressed they were with how well behaved my children were. It made me feel validated when I needed it. Justin still has lots of diarrhea - we are changing him about twice every hour and through the night as well. I was hoping it would slow today, but no luck so far.. I'm so grateful he hasn't gotten dangerously dehydrated. It reminds me of when Ashley was 9 months old and in the hospital for dehydration. And I was deathly ill pregnant with Katelyn all at the same time from dehydration. Not a fun feeling. I feel badly for the guy. It supposedly takes 7-8 days and it's been 5.
The girls are happy. They had a fun princess birthday party yesterday. Ashley starts swimming lessons tomorrow.
Hans is busy at work and meeting with realtors etc. I feel like I say this week after week about him, but it is still what he is doing. I am hoping for a choice one of these days:) He enjoys the process of figuring it out and likes to feel like he has REALLY thought it through before signing his name to anything. I guess I am more impulsive.
Hope all is well there.
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