The kids are doing well. Anna is still sick 3 weeks later, so that is annoying for all involved. She did use her first sentence on Saturday--she said, "mama, hungry-me, want snack." Very cute. She likes to push bar stools over to the pantry and fish around for what she wants. She really likes to climb. She also sets the table for me and helps me unload the dishwasher. She loves our plastic plates and yells "green" when she is setting the table, since that is the color Andrew and Elizabeth fight over. Andrew's favorite color is green and Elizabeth naturally wants that color just to bug Andrew.
I took no pictures of Elizabeth this last week, which is a shame because she is so cute. We went to the Aerospace museum on Saturday and she picked her favorite jet and told me that she wants to fly it when she gets a lot older, "like maybe when I'm seven, mom." And on Monday when we were at the doctor, she told me that she would like to be the mommy when "I get at as old as you mom, like 13." We're hoping she waits longer.
Andrew refused to go to preschool on Friday because he "hates coloring and cutting." He has been using the word hate all week and I've been doing my best not to draw any attention to it. I'm hoping the phase will pass. Andrew tells me that Miss Angela tells him he needs to do lots of cutting to practice for kindergarten, but he doesn't enjoy it much. But he can use them fine. I don't get it, but I didn't make him go to preschool so he stayed home and built forts for his pet dog Droozy. I'm hoping he will go this morning.
We hope you are doing well.
Love, Melanie
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