February 12, 2007
Hi Everyone,
Katelyn is 3 today! She is such a big girl and so excited to be "a new number." She keeps telling me, "I will never be 2 again, mom." It makes me sad everytime she says it. I just remind her to enjoy 3 since she only has one year to be 3. It's a good reminder for me as well to enjoy 28. Katelyn is still an artist and got all arts and crafts for her birthday and is having an art party tomorrow night. She can't wait. Today we have already colored pictures of fish, cut many things, played play-doh, and glued stuff. I often find pictures glued to my walls. She is just so fun and so cute. Everyone loves Katelyn. She is full of joy and isn't afraid to show it. When she is excited about something her voice drops to a loud whisper and her face shakes while she talks. She follows me around telling me she loves me. She is so fun.
I had a fun birthday trip. Thanks for the phone calls on my birthday. I was impressed with Tarmy and Dad for reaching me and wishing me a happy birthday. I appreciated it:) Melanie and I skiied and sat in the hot tub and shopped at the outlets. It was a fast trip and fun. The girls loved seeing Aunt Melanie and Katelyn wanted Melanie to hold her, not me. Ashley was away from me for 2 nights and on the second night she had a breakdown and told Hans that she missed me because "I just love her too much." Very cute. They were excited to have me back. Justin was wary of me, as Melanie was there. I did successfully wean him while away, which proved more painful then I would have imagined, but he is now just bottle fed. It was bittersweet for me.
Today we are just getting back into our routine. We are going to the diner for Katelyn's birthday tonight and she has her friend Kaylee over to play. We rode bikes and played Zingo and lots of other games so it's been a fun day. I missed playing with the kids while I was gone.
Justin is pushing 11 months. Crazy stuff. He slept until 5 last night. He goes up the stairs whenever given the chance and then I panic when I can't find him and find him stuck in the laundry room playing with the vacuum. He loves the vacuum. He chases it around while I am actually vacuuming. It feels kind of dangerous for me. The girls were always terrified of it. He says mama, dada (it's more like daddy), more, and gong (which Hans thinks means hungry), Maybe so since he loves to sit in his highchair and eat. He can eat an entire peanut butter and jelly, two eggs, as much oatmeal as I eat, and probably more pancakes then I can. I'm wondering if this is how it's going to be or if he is just going through a growth spurt. He's not really that big. I didn't take him in for a 9 month well-baby so I need to for his 1 year. Poor guy will probably get lots of shots.
I hope everyone has a happy valentines day and that Paula and Rennald have a happy anniversary. We're thinking of you.
Love, Michelle
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