Anna's vocabulary has exploded this week and she is talking all the time. She makes a smile. She seems so grown up now. She still follows Elizabeth around all the time, saying "Bessie." I'm not sure it is a nickname that will stick. Anna calls herself "nanna" and she doesn't have a name for Andrew, but if we ask her if she can say Andrew, she says "Yah," which is her response to every question. She loves to climb in cupboards and say "shut door mama." And she grabs my hands and says, "Bessie, mama, rosies." Her favorite game is still Ring around the Rosies. She's been pretty sick this week and has diarreah and a bad cough and walks around whimpering, "poo-poo" in her most pathetic voice. She adds "me" to the end of everything to let us know she wants something. "Purse-me" Syrup-me, sausage-me, rosies-me, etc. Very cute.
Elizabeth has been suffering from all the pollution here--the air has been so bad the last few days that we could barely see our neighbors house. We've been doing breathing treatments but she still has dark circles under her eyes and doesn't sleep well. We've considered moving purely for her sake.
Andrew is still my happy singer. He figured out how to play If you're happy and you know it, and How Firm a Foundation on the piano this week just by hearing them. Jeff was singing How Firm a Foundation and asked Andrew if he could play it on the piano and Andrew played the first part of the song without any effort--I think he has perfect pitch. He found exactly the first note of the song on the first try. Andrew has been dreaming today of how our house might be without any gravity. And he is working on a Krispy Kreme donut machine because he told me my homemade donuts weren't nearly as good as Krispy Kremes. I have to agree with him.
Jeff starts interviewing tomorrow with UBS and we are considering the Colorado Springs office. Tough choice...
Take care,
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