It has been a while since I sent out an update since we are just finally feeling like we are back to our daily routine. We had a great time in Utah. The pinnacle event was the big snow storm the night before we left on Jan. 5th. Elsa and Ava spent the morning making a snowman with their aunts, grandparents, and cousins. They still talk about “their” snowman. Other fun activities were going to the Dinosaur park, visiting the Tree house Children’s Museum, bowling at Willow Creek, and of course, being able to spend time with family and friends.
After spending our first two weeks in Utah with fevers, throwing-up, pink-eye, more fevers, and lots of antibiotics, we are all well now. Even Brian, who has been through two different rounds of antibiotics, is finally feeling better. I still don’t know why we always seem to get sick on the way out to Utah, but not on the way home. I won’t complain. It is nice to have vibrant children once again.
We haven’t been able to be outside much since it has rained everyday for the last week. The temperature has been actually pleasant in the 40’s and 50’s, but still too wet to be outside. I don’t think Indiana has had more than a few inches of snow all winter. Everyone is commenting that this has been the mildest winter in years. I really don’t think snow is useful unless you have a lot of it. Otherwise, it is just a pain to shovel.
It took us a week to get Ava on East coast time again. She was waking up between 11:00-11:45am. I liked having the extra time in the morning, but it made it hard to get going anywhere. Elsa is our early riser. She wakes up happy and hungry. She was spoiled with a hot pancake breakfast awaiting her each morning in Utah. I’ve indulged her a few times, but hot oatmeal is usually as good as it gets. The girls have loved coming home and playing with their old and new toys. Each day they build some sort of tower out of blocks for their new Carebears or animals. It keeps them pretty occupied. They’ve also enjoyed playing with their little ponies – doing their hair, dressing them, and fantasy play. There always seem to be an adventure taking place.
Elsa was ready to be back at preschool with her friends and activities. I miss her because she keeps Ava entertained. Elsa is very engaging and most of the time is very sweet to Ava. Elsa had so much fun playing with Elizabeth Conley that she hasn’t stopped talking about her. She has named her baby doll, Elizabeth, and she told me that when she is a mom that she will name her daughter Elizabeth. I told her it is a good name! Elsa is really looking forward to spring so she can play soccer and go swimming. She made a goal/new year’s resolution to play soccer and swim with her head under the water. She is anxious to accomplish her goals. Brian has instilled in Elsa a somewhat healthy sense of competition (well, maybe it is healthy). Whenever we are driving in the car, she wants to “beat” the other drivers. Brian will tell her to pick out a car for him to pass. Today when we were driving home during traffic she started to whine. When I asked her what was wrong, she said, “Mom, you’re not beating any of the cars.” Ugh.
Ava is getting so big. It is hard to believe that she is my baby. We took the safety bar off of her bed this weekend. It was a little traumatic at first. She kept telling me that she wanted me to put the top back on her bed. She is mostly worried that her animals will fall out. If you saw her asleep in her bed, you’d also see about five other stuffed animals right next to her. I am also back on the potty-training quest. I realize that pull-ups just aren’t working. They are too much of a security. After putting her in underwear today, I’ve already had to clean up two accidents. I am staying home for the next two days hoping that by the time she goes to preschool on Thursday that she’ll be more consistent and comfortable just going on her own. She was doing so well before our Christmas vacation. Being away from home and sick for a week didn’t help I guess. Ava is so endearing, but is also getting demanding. She says everything is “so silly” if she is in a happy mood. Otherwise, she gets a scowl on her face and lifts her pointer finger in the air to make her point. Tonight after family home evening, I announced that it was now time for chocolate donuts. Ava looked sternly at me and said, “No, they are brown donuts.” Whatever. I realize that I am the only one that probably thinks this is cute, so I am teaching her to be a little kinder in her requests and corrections. Ava is Elsa’s biggest fan. The first thing she asks when she wakes up is “Where is Elsa?” She then follows her around pretty much the rest of the day. I really enjoy seeing them get along so well.
As for everything else, Brian is busy with work, basketball, and EQ responsibilities. We enjoyed celebrating his 30th birthday last Monday. Elsa and Ava were so excited to make his cake (a snowman), decorate the house with streamers and balloons, and sing “Happy Birthday.” Ava asked me every 20 minutes, “When are we going to have Daddy’s birthday party?” Brian has had a hard time realizing how old he is. (Give me a break!) This is coming from the same guy who has Elsa convinced that the highest number you could go is 31 (my age). Everything is “Just 31 more minutes, Mom!” I’ve told him that he is finally legitimate! We got him a kayak, except he has to find one with the right fit. This should give him some solitude and exercise in the spring. In fact, he could go kayaking now since the reservoir isn’t frozen over. Brian wants to do an extreme camping, biking, kayaking trip this summer. I am just supplying him with the tools to accomplish his goals.
We have pretty much decided that AIGB (the Texas offer) isn’t going to happen. Brian kept waiting to hear back regarding more information on their offer. Meanwhile, we had a pre-emptive call from Rich and Paige Bennion saying that they heard we had turned down the offer. I guess that is what Rich’s father (the interim CEO of AIGB) told them. I am happy to stay in Indiana for at least another year. We had so much fun this past summer water skiing, biking, and swimming that I am looking forward to a similar summer.
I am doing well. I feel like I am getting caught up, slowly. I am responsible for launching an improved enrichment program for our ward. I am feeling the pressure as more and more people approach me with their complaints and ideas. It makes me a little anxious to think about it, but I feel confident that once I get activities scheduled it should flow smoothly. I do have to say that although I miss being in primary, it is so NICE to sit in Sunday school and RS. Plus, Elsa and Ava are at an ideal stage and are reverent (mostly) during Sacrament meeting. Just a year ago, I felt like going to church was useless and painful due to having two young children during Sacrament and then battling 8 five year-old boys during primary. This is a good season of life.
My nose is healing well, except that I was chasing Elsa and kissing her and her forehead bumped my nose. It was slightly painful and has been tender ever since. The scar is still red and very obvious. I forget about it until complete strangers ask me what I did to my face. Where is their tact? J I was told that it will probably take a year for the scar to fade. Maybe it will be a catalyst for all that plastic surgery I’ve been wanting. J
This is a long update. I use these as our family journal too, so sorry if there are too many details. Enjoy the pictures. We took the ones of the girls last Sunday and then there is one from Brian’s birthday. We love you and wish you all well.
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