We had a good week. Jeff was in Indiana from Tuesday through Friday living the lonely life, but eating well at least. We ate hot dogs most of the week. We kept busy. We finished reading Charlotte's Web, watched movies, and played at Grandma's house. Dad and I took Andrew skiing on Thursday at Alta, which was fun. Andrew did well. He figured out how to stay on his feet and keep his balance so that I could hold onto the harness and he could go down the gradual slopes by himself. I had a hard time getting him to stop singing and listen to my instructions. Andrew always has a tune in his head. Elizabeth got to play with Grandma. It was a fun break from the long week with Jeff gone.
Andrew is into how fast things go. Especially how fast he can go down the stairs. He figured out the fastest way down, which he told me this morning is about 13 mph. Andrew got to go on a play date straight from preschool on Wednesday with a mom I don't know very well so I made him memorize our phone number and call me when he got to his friend's house, which he did. I was proud. He is growing up. Andrew started scales this week at piano and we figured out how to use a metronome. Fun stuff.
Elizabeth got to have a birthday party for all her dolls with Grandma. She has so many dolls and doll clothes, thanks to Grandma. Andrew and ELizabeth got out all of their stuffed animals and gave them immunizations, which was a long and sad experience for the animals. Elizabeth's highlight of the week was attending a Nemo birthday party for one of her friends.
Anna is as cute as ever. She follows me around saying, "help me." She brings me books all day to read. She loves sitting at my computer and pushing buttons. She brings me the phone and says, "want to talk to pa-pa." Cute.
We are keeping busy. Lots of babies coming to our ward--I brought 2 meals last week and 2 meals this week. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve. One of the pictures shows how I get to cook--one girl on each side of me and Andrew on a bar stool right in front of me.
Hope you are well.
Love, Melanie
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