Hi Everyone,
I've had yet another one of those weeks. But I feel hope for this week, thanks to Hans giving me a nice blessing. I seriously don't think I would survive without his help, his holding the priesthood, and the gospel. How do people without these things survive? Every ailment had an upside. I got to have two two hour appointments at the endodontist having a root canal. It did put me out of my miserable tooth pain and the Dr. did it for free. Which was SO nice. I also had several people babysit my kids. And Mia did just great drinking a bottle and my friend's children are all grown so she was more than happy to babysit. Very nice as well. Then the crazy pain from my stupid husband spraining my rib is going away thanks to the nice chiropractor in my ward popping it back into place. And then today I woke up and fit into my clothes again thanks to the stomach flu I got on Friday on the way home from the chiropractor. Justin had it on Wednesday and Katelyn on Monday. Ashley and Hans have escaped it. Mia threw up once. She seems fine now though. So that was my week. Crazy. My OB also refunded me the money Hans spent on the wrong prescription. I was so happy about that since I was so mad at her for it. She was very professional. Hans made the call since I wouldn't have been too nice about it. I think that's all.
Attached are pictures of the kids. One is of Justin with mascara all over his face. While I am nursing Mia, he likes to destroy my house. He knows I am not capable of stopping his mischief. Which may be better then him standing at my knees and screaming every time I feed her. He came down today, handed me the tube of mascara, and said, "pretty." He sure is. Luckily for me it wasn't waterproof since he dragged the tube down the stairs. There's a lot of mascara everywhere. Then when I finished cleaning that up and came back downstairs he had dumped out a box of cereal for me to clean up. He's a pest. But a very cute, loveable one.
Mia is growing. She is very cute. We all love her. The girls are great. I love them incredibly. Ashley was a star at her thanksgiving party singing songs and Katelyn had a fun party as well. We are looking forward to having this week with no where we have to be at.
Hans is busy. He had one day last week where he broke even so we're happy about that. The future looks bright:)
We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for all of you!
Love, Michelle
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