Hi Everyone,
We woke up to a lot of snow this morning. The wind blew all our patio furniture over and the snow is still coming down. It's very wintry. Especially considering yesterday I was sitting outside in my short sleeved shirt enjoying the 76 degree weather. Crazy.
Attached are a bunch of pictures of Mia. She is growing, I think. I haven't had her weighed yet. I had her PKU done on Thursday, but they had no infant scale at the lab. I am waiting until she is older to take her to the Dr. I am sure the Doctor won't be happy with me. For some reason they like to see them at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months. Seems dumb to me. I'll bring her in at 2 months. She is well. She is sleeping, eating, pooping lots, and fussing some. All the things she should be doing. She needs to eat every 2 hours or so, meaning I get about an hour and 20 minutes straight of sleep at a time. I'm adjusting.
The girls are great. They have been such big helps. It was really nice to have mom and dad here to drive carpools and play with the kids. They are excited that Melissa is coming tonight. Justin is not doing so well. He likes the baby, but is very needy with Hans and I. So is Katelyn, I guess. We have too much going on.
Hans' office looks terrific. Very professional. He spent the majority of last night over there setting up chairs, hanging pictures, setting up desks, computers, etc. He will spend business hours over there tomorrow sorting through supplies. Ashley and I will let him and his assistant practice with the x-ray equipment and such on us. Ashley needs some sealants and I have lots of teeth needing fixing post fourth baby. He moved all his Monday patients to Wednesday. He will have quite a few patients on Wednesday and a few on Friday. He is still working at Small Smiles on Tuesdays and thursdays. Busy. His front office manager says she has been making 2-3 appointments every day. Our flyers finally went out. We are excited to have it all come together. I am anxious for when he can quit small smiles and support our family with the new practice. Looking forward to that day.
Lots of changes. We are grateful for the Gospel to keep us sane.
We miss you all,
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