Michelle is in the hospital recovering from the delivery of Mia Marie Egbert. They started the c-section at about 12:45 and at 1:19pm Michelle gave birth to little Mia. I say little because she truly is little. 19 1/4 inches and 4 lbs. 12 oz. She is our littlest bably by far. She seems to be doing great despite her wieght and the doctors and nurses don't seem at all concerned. She is a good little nurser, pretty strong and quite alert. She has pooped and peed once and she is a perfect little baby. She is very sweet. There is still nothing quite like hearing that first cry and seeing my baby for the first time. I always get choked up and watery eyed.
The girls are doing great and are very excited to have "more girls than boys in the family". They were thrilled at the news and kept screaming "more girls! more GIRLS!". Justin thinks it is really neat to have a baby and he wants to see michelle's "button" (belly button) because he knows that is where the baby came from. He is a very caring big brother so far and has been surprisingly gentle. He just pets the blanket over her tummy and says "baby" with amore reverence than I have seen in him before. It is wonderful to be the father of 4 beautiful children.
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