Jonathan finished his football and fall soccer season last week. He loved football and looks forward to next year. He is very fast, he learned a lot, made some good tackles and good blocks. Soccer moves right on into indoor and his first game is tomorrow night. Coray is Jonathan's basketball coach and trying to get the boys ready. Most of them are beginners and still learning the basics which has Coray worried about our first game against the best team in the league. We will call it a growing year.
Abby finished her soccer season pouring her water bottle over the coaches head in freezing cold weather. The coach told the girls if they could score they could get her wet so Abby scored a goal and did just that. She is busy with gymnastics and Hip Hop. She is struggling getting her front and back walkovers perfect so she can learn a back handspring.
Both Abby and Jonathan are plugging away at piano. I am trying my hardest to not just give up on the whole thing.
Will is doing an itty bitty sports program at the rec center. He is finishing up flag football and will start an all sports one. He can't wait for basketball so he can go do some shoots. He is busy will preschool and is excited to learn to read. He can read the basic phonetic words and is very proud of himself. He loves playing with our next door neighbor Christian.
Sarah is starting to talk a little more. Her words are mom, dad, abby, Nala, dog, horsie, bye, drink, no, me, Nana, Grandpa, uh-oh, treat, candy, Tobin (her neighbor friend), soft, hot, owie, don't, stop, go, and more I can't think of. She is cute and still gets all sorts of comments. She can run really fast and jump off beds and couches.
We just got back from our RV vacation to Yellowstone National Park. We went with our neighbors the Smiths. They rented RVs and we drove to Yellowstone. We spent the night at a campground and in the morning we went to a Bear and Wolf Center. We ran into Jonathan's soccer coach and his family. Then we drove around the north loop of Yellowstone and had to stop and wait for bison to cross the road, we saw lots of elk and coyote. We stopped and walked around the steam pots and waterfalls and looked at the beautiful scenery. The next day we drove the south loop for more scenery and Old Faithful and then we went to Jackson. We came home the next morning. It was fast, fun and relaxing.
Coray is keeping too busy with work, scouts, and basketball coaching. He just hung our Christmas lights last night which was a big project.
I am busy keeping up with everybody else. We can't wait to see everyone. We love you all.
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