Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christmas jigsaw

Margaret Neilsen and Bob Short get married

We were happy to be matchmakers in this romance. Since Bob and his first wife introduced Paula and me, we returned the favor by introducing Bob to Margaret. It didn't take them long to fall in love and get married. On May 2 I talked Bob into calling Margaret. We were supposed to go with them to a baseball game on June 23 when Bob introduced Margaret to his children. On July 13 we went to dinner with them. They announced their engagement to us on August 16. They are a great fit, and we wish them much happiness.
Monday, November 19, 2007
2007-11-18 Michelle's Update
Hi Everyone,
I've had yet another one of those weeks. But I feel hope for this week, thanks to Hans giving me a nice blessing. I seriously don't think I would survive without his help, his holding the priesthood, and the gospel. How do people without these things survive? Every ailment had an upside. I got to have two two hour appointments at the endodontist having a root canal. It did put me out of my miserable tooth pain and the Dr. did it for free. Which was SO nice. I also had several people babysit my kids. And Mia did just great drinking a bottle and my friend's children are all grown so she was more than happy to babysit. Very nice as well. Then the crazy pain from my stupid husband spraining my rib is going away thanks to the nice chiropractor in my ward popping it back into place. And then today I woke up and fit into my clothes again thanks to the stomach flu I got on Friday on the way home from the chiropractor. Justin had it on Wednesday and Katelyn on Monday. Ashley and Hans have escaped it. Mia threw up once. She seems fine now though. So that was my week. Crazy. My OB also refunded me the money Hans spent on the wrong prescription. I was so happy about that since I was so mad at her for it. She was very professional. Hans made the call since I wouldn't have been too nice about it. I think that's all.
Attached are pictures of the kids. One is of Justin with mascara all over his face. While I am nursing Mia, he likes to destroy my house. He knows I am not capable of stopping his mischief. Which may be better then him standing at my knees and screaming every time I feed her. He came down today, handed me the tube of mascara, and said, "pretty." He sure is. Luckily for me it wasn't waterproof since he dragged the tube down the stairs. There's a lot of mascara everywhere. Then when I finished cleaning that up and came back downstairs he had dumped out a box of cereal for me to clean up. He's a pest. But a very cute, loveable one.
Mia is growing. She is very cute. We all love her. The girls are great. I love them incredibly. Ashley was a star at her thanksgiving party singing songs and Katelyn had a fun party as well. We are looking forward to having this week with no where we have to be at.
Hans is busy. He had one day last week where he broke even so we're happy about that. The future looks bright:)
We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for all of you!
Love, Michelle
Thursday, November 15, 2007
2007-11-11 Michelle's Update
It was kind of a nightmare week, but turned out well. So that's good. I am recovering from my 3rd round of cellulitis. Not sure why I am so prone to skin infections at my c-section site, but I am. And each c-section was done by a different doctor. Otherwise I'd blame the doctor. Hans tried to crack my back for me and ended up displacing a rib. So that's been another added pain. Not to mention the 11 cavities he diagnosed me with at his office this week. I'm not proud of it. He actually asked me to get dental insurance, which I found kind of funny at the beginning, but now I think it may actually be a good idea. His office is going well. He's booked 2 weeks out, which is better then expected. He's anxious for when all the annoying kinks are worked out. In the middle of doing a filling on me his drill stopped working. I was grateful I was the patient and not someone else who would never come back. At least with me I have no choice.
The kids are well. They continue to amuse me.
Love, Michelle
Monday, November 5, 2007
2007-11-05 Michelle's Update
Hi Everyone,
We had a busy Halloween week. It was lots of fun. Katelyn had a fun party at school and our ward had a party on halloween night. The girls scored way too much candy. It has been tormenting poor Justin. He finished all of his candy, but can't rest until their candy is gone as well. Unfortunately for him Ashley isn't much of a candy eater so she has almost her entire stash left, except for what Hans and I have stolen. Ashley was a witch, Katelyn a cowgirl/pony, and Justin a fireman. Mia was herself. Halloween is a fun holiday. Now we are preparing for Thanksgiving costumes, parties, and dinner. We are staying busy with the usual - playgroups, playdates, school, pre-school, gymnastics, and ballet. Yesterday we were able to go four-wheeling and ride our little dirt bike down in fountain. It was beautiful. The weather has been so great so far this winter. We hope it holds up. It's only November:) Mia is almost one month old. I can't believe how time goes so quickly. She is starting to wake up and has set wake/sleep times. It makes it easier on all of us. I am still housebound for the most part. I still hurt. I'm hoping that another two weeks will mean I am totally better. I'm craving a good run and bike ride on my new bike. Hans is busy with work. He has his open house on Tuesday night. His consultant seems pleased with the way the schedule is filling up, but it still stresses Hans out. He says that in a year he will feel better about things. He has figured out his x-ray machines and already done some fillings, root canal, and pulled some teeth. Not bad for one and a half weeks open. It should only improve.
Enjoy the pictures.
Love, Michelle
Thursday, November 1, 2007
2007-10-31 Natalie's Update
Happy Halloween! It has been a while since I've sent pictures. The fall has been busy for us. Elsa finished soccer season two weeks ago. Elsa was so excited to start the season, but quickly gave up because it was either too hot for her to run and she didn't get the ball enough. (There were some really good boys on her team.) As a result, every Thursday evening was a challenge to get Elsa dressed in her uniform and out the door. I was able to encourage her to go to her last game so that she could get her trophy. It was a perfect fall evening with temperatures in the 70's. This change in weather and the fact that Elsa scored a goal made it a successful season. Now she surely wants to play again in the spring. How fickle can a five year-old be? We were excited for her to end in a positive way.
Brian has been around for the last month, which has been so nice to have his help. I've especially needed it lately. We are getting packed and ready to head out to Utah tomorrow. The girls are so excited. Both Elsa and Ava were more excited for Halloween to come and GO since we've been telling them that we'll leave right after Halloween. The girls both woke up this morning and asked if today was the day. Tomorrow! They can't wait to have a sleep-over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They are also excited to see and play with their cousins. The sat down at the table last night and started naming them off. I am glad that they remember them.
Both girls thoroughly loved Halloween. Both girls knew early on what they wanted to be, Elsa and pirate and Ava a witch. It helped that Elsa was a witch last year, so we recycled that costume. They had costume parties at school on Tuesday and then Tuesday evening was their special persons night at school. Brian and I went with the girls to see all their fall crafts and carve pumpkins. Elsa (being consistent) wanted a pirate jack-o-lantern. Ava wanted a pumkin with tears and hands. Whatever. For the actual Halloween/trick-or-treating festivities, Ava insisted on having a green face, so I complied. It was so fun to see their excitement. Our neighborhood gathers at the end of the cul-de-sac for a pre-trick-or-treat party and parade. The girls loved meeting up with their friends and eating pizza. They danced and ran around while giggling. I love that they have so many friends in our neighborhood. Then a police officer led the parade in his partrol car with the sirens on. It was so fun to watch all the kids line up and march through the neighborhood to show off their costumes. Halloween is such a fun holiday. Elsa came home early and helped me pass out candy. She was very generous and gave big handfuls to each child. I think she had more fun doing that than actual trick-or-treating. Ava was the powerhouse and hit all the houses in the neighborhood with Brian beside her. All the sugar made bedtime a little more frazzled, but Brian handled all of it (even getting all the green paint off of Ava's face). He is a
I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween! We are excited to see those of you in Utah in a couple of days.
2007-10-28 Mindy's Update

Jonathan finished his football and fall soccer season last week. He loved football and looks forward to next year. He is very fast, he learned a lot, made some good tackles and good blocks. Soccer moves right on into indoor and his first game is tomorrow night. Coray is Jonathan's basketball coach and trying to get the boys ready. Most of them are beginners and still learning the basics which has Coray worried about our first game against the best team in the league. We will call it a growing year.
Abby finished her soccer season pouring her water bottle over the coaches head in freezing cold weather. The coach told the girls if they could score they could get her wet so Abby scored a goal and did just that. She is busy with gymnastics and Hip Hop. She is struggling getting her front and back walkovers perfect so she can learn a back handspring.
Both Abby and Jonathan are plugging away at piano. I am trying my hardest to not just give up on the whole thing.
Will is doing an itty bitty sports program at the rec center. He is finishing up flag football and will start an all sports one. He can't wait for basketball so he can go do some shoots. He is busy will preschool and is excited to learn to read. He can read the basic phonetic words and is very proud of himself. He loves playing with our next door neighbor Christian.
Sarah is starting to talk a little more. Her words are mom, dad, abby, Nala, dog, horsie, bye, drink, no, me, Nana, Grandpa, uh-oh, treat, candy, Tobin (her neighbor friend), soft, hot, owie, don't, stop, go, and more I can't think of. She is cute and still gets all sorts of comments. She can run really fast and jump off beds and couches.
We just got back from our RV vacation to Yellowstone National Park. We went with our neighbors the Smiths. They rented RVs and we drove to Yellowstone. We spent the night at a campground and in the morning we went to a Bear and Wolf Center. We ran into Jonathan's soccer coach and his family. Then we drove around the north loop of Yellowstone and had to stop and wait for bison to cross the road, we saw lots of elk and coyote. We stopped and walked around the steam pots and waterfalls and looked at the beautiful scenery. The next day we drove the south loop for more scenery and Old Faithful and then we went to Jackson. We came home the next morning. It was fast, fun and relaxing.
Coray is keeping too busy with work, scouts, and basketball coaching. He just hung our Christmas lights last night which was a big project.
I am busy keeping up with everybody else. We can't wait to see everyone. We love you all.
2007-10-29 Michelle's Update
HI Everyone,
It's hard to believe that it's the end of October. We have Halloween parties and carving pumpkins, etc. this week. Keeps us busy, which is good. Justin is not happy with baby Mia. He likes to rub his head against her head and make her cry. It's constant babysitting of Mia to make sure Justin doesn't harm her. This morning he tried to step on her while I was getting ready to give her a bath. He's officially 19 months old. He seems really big to me. He weighs in at 23 pounds, which is the 25th percentile and I can't remember how tall he is, but it put him at the 45th percentile. He followed me around crying for a solid hour this morning. Lucky me.
The girls are excited for Halloween. Katelyn is more excited for her birthday party, which she has all planned out. I even had to write a paper with directions for the party, which she carries around. She talks about it non-stop. It's still 3 1/2 months away. We are buying the pinata when I decide to brave grocery shopping again. We've had so much help with food. I won't have to cook anything until Mia is close to 5 weeks. It's hard to believe she is 3 weeks old. She is a good baby.
Ashley is at school today. SHe's liking Kindergarten. She has been such a major help.
Hans is well. Too many details to try and write. He's busy.
Love, Michelle
2007-10-21 Michelle's Update
Hi Everyone,
We woke up to a lot of snow this morning. The wind blew all our patio furniture over and the snow is still coming down. It's very wintry. Especially considering yesterday I was sitting outside in my short sleeved shirt enjoying the 76 degree weather. Crazy.
Attached are a bunch of pictures of Mia. She is growing, I think. I haven't had her weighed yet. I had her PKU done on Thursday, but they had no infant scale at the lab. I am waiting until she is older to take her to the Dr. I am sure the Doctor won't be happy with me. For some reason they like to see them at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months. Seems dumb to me. I'll bring her in at 2 months. She is well. She is sleeping, eating, pooping lots, and fussing some. All the things she should be doing. She needs to eat every 2 hours or so, meaning I get about an hour and 20 minutes straight of sleep at a time. I'm adjusting.
The girls are great. They have been such big helps. It was really nice to have mom and dad here to drive carpools and play with the kids. They are excited that Melissa is coming tonight. Justin is not doing so well. He likes the baby, but is very needy with Hans and I. So is Katelyn, I guess. We have too much going on.
Hans' office looks terrific. Very professional. He spent the majority of last night over there setting up chairs, hanging pictures, setting up desks, computers, etc. He will spend business hours over there tomorrow sorting through supplies. Ashley and I will let him and his assistant practice with the x-ray equipment and such on us. Ashley needs some sealants and I have lots of teeth needing fixing post fourth baby. He moved all his Monday patients to Wednesday. He will have quite a few patients on Wednesday and a few on Friday. He is still working at Small Smiles on Tuesdays and thursdays. Busy. His front office manager says she has been making 2-3 appointments every day. Our flyers finally went out. We are excited to have it all come together. I am anxious for when he can quit small smiles and support our family with the new practice. Looking forward to that day.
Lots of changes. We are grateful for the Gospel to keep us sane.
We miss you all,
2007-10-13 Melanie's Update

On Tuesday my piano teacher forgot piano lessons and I got a speeding ticket on the way home. When I finally got home, I ran over Andrew's bike in the garage. Elizabeth called me from preschool crying because she wanted to go home and the dog peed on my carpet for the first time. Thursday my babysitter forgot to come and I couldn't ever get a hold of her. Friday my garage door fell off the tracks and bent. And my garbage diposal stopped working. And I broke the needle off of my sewing machine and I needed to finish my quilt block by Saturday. And Jeff has been out of town all week. Today I have been waiting for something to happen and I have been driving very carefully and watching my kids carefully when we are outside. Nothing terrible has happened today. We did have 3 people come to look at our house.
The kids, though, are doing okay, Anna excepted. Andrew did well in his soccer game today. He was running around strongly for the first half but the second half he was walking around not really paying attention. He got to play goalie, which he enjoys, and his team won 2 to nothing. Andrew is very much into Monoploy and we play almost every day. His math skills are getting very good. Tonight he bought Water Works for 150, so he gave me a 500 and said, "mom, now you have to give me 350 back." I think that is pretty good math for a 5-year old! He still plays the piano all day and makes up songs and asks me which one I like best. Today he was playing all the left hand parts to Elizabeth's songs. She has mastered her twinkles, Honeybee, Cukoo, and Lightly Row. I am proud of her. Anna sings all the Suzuki songs as well and loves to sit up to the piano and push buttons on the metronome.
Elizabeth still does tricks all day. Her new favorite is to do headstands on the stairs and kick her legs up to the stairs above her. And then she yells to me to help her get down. She plays all day with Anna, with her crafts, with Andrew and with her friend Elise. She amazes me everyday with how sweet and kind she is and how willing she is to help me out. I tell her every night that she has a very special part in our family.
Anna is Anna. She giggles and laughs and asks me to tickle her. She still loves Dora and we are planning her half birthday party for next week. She picked out the cake mix and frosting today. She will do anything Elizabeth wants her to, so Elizabeth guided all the decisions. Anna loves Charlie and talks to him like he is a baby. She loves talking about our dog. And holding his leash and filling up his water bowl and holding him on her lap. Luckily, Charlie doesn't mind.
That was a long update. Luckily, I have managed to keep my wits about me. I do find myself turning in circles sometimes, but I have had people help me. My neighbor has been a life saver, and I have felt so blessed to have her as a good friend. And my parents and Melissa and Michelle have helped a ton too just by talking to me on the phone.
If you want to see pictures of our kids, go to our blog at www.familyconley.blogspot.com.
Take care,
2007-10-11 Michelle's Update
Hi Everyone,
It's hard to believe that exactly 72 hours ago I was in the hospital having a panic attack as they delivered the baby. Medicine is amazing. I was able to be the one to declare "It's a girl!" and then realize that I wasn't really at all surprised. Hans was. She is a beautiful, happy, tiny baby. She is strong and alert and very sweet. Her name is prounounced with an e sound. I've had several people ask. We already love her. I tried talking about other girls names, but Katelyn looked at me and said, "Mom, her name is Mia." Meaning, case is closed. I'm calling her Mia no matter what. Ashley had similar feelings.
The surgery went well. The doctor was very gentle with all my insides and told me it looked like my body could handle more babies. My recovery has been SO much better this time and I'm sure it's because my surgeon was more gentle. Thank goodness.
I'm high on percocet right now so I'm not sure how much sense I am making.
I better stop. Attached are some more pictures.
Thanks for all of your support.
Love, Michelle
2007-10-08 Mia Marie Egbert
Michelle is in the hospital recovering from the delivery of Mia Marie Egbert. They started the c-section at about 12:45 and at 1:19pm Michelle gave birth to little Mia. I say little because she truly is little. 19 1/4 inches and 4 lbs. 12 oz. She is our littlest bably by far. She seems to be doing great despite her wieght and the doctors and nurses don't seem at all concerned. She is a good little nurser, pretty strong and quite alert. She has pooped and peed once and she is a perfect little baby. She is very sweet. There is still nothing quite like hearing that first cry and seeing my baby for the first time. I always get choked up and watery eyed.
The girls are doing great and are very excited to have "more girls than boys in the family". They were thrilled at the news and kept screaming "more girls! more GIRLS!". Justin thinks it is really neat to have a baby and he wants to see michelle's "button" (belly button) because he knows that is where the baby came from. He is a very caring big brother so far and has been surprisingly gentle. He just pets the blanket over her tummy and says "baby" with amore reverence than I have seen in him before. It is wonderful to be the father of 4 beautiful children.
2007-10-06 Michelle's Update
Hi Everyone,
Attached are a bunch of pictures. Of Justin in the sink. He's so messy all the time. I give him his lollipops in there. We had lollipops so we could make ghosts with the girls, but they were WAY too all consuming for Justin. It's all he could and can still think about. Candy. Candy. Candy. He asks me for it when he wakes up. Also of Katelyn at her first gymnastics class and of Ashley playing soccer. We keep busy with activities.
Time has flown by and our two big events are about here. The practice looks great. The painting is all done and they have started on the flooring and cabinets. Training starts the 15th. Hans' last full-time day at small smiles was yesterday. We're so grateful he's able to stay on part-time and have some steady income. Our postcards should go out this week. I ordered 500 toothbrushes with our name and phone number on them to hand out to trick or treaters. I am hoping to not have 500 trick or treaters, but they are fine to have on hand and way cheaper to buy in bulk like that. We have 8 or 9 appointments set up. Hans has hired his two employees and is busy figuring out payroll and stuff like that. This whole starting a business thing takes up quite a bit of time.
I am 9 months pregnant. I am achy. I waddle, according to my neighbors anyway. Last night we went out to dinner without the kids and had a perfect stranger pay for our dinner. I've never had that happan. It was such a nice surprise. Hans says it's because we look young, I am obscenely pregnant, and we split a burger. I think there are just nice people out there who want to do nice things. It made me want to pick up someone else's check. We have had so many wonderful people around us serving us. I am anxious for when I can be back to normal and reach out to others. It's quite humbling to be reached out to. We're grateful. Every night I am oh so hopeful I will go into labor. Last night I watched TV from 1-3 in the morning. Kind of sad. I have to hang in there until Monday. But I do pray every night that maybe I could go into labor before then. Wouldn't that be great?
The kids are great. Katelyn is a great gymnast. She can do a backbend and loves to show of her stretches. Ashley loves soccer and tells me that it makes her heart pump hard. We had her parent-teacher conferences on Friday and her teacher loves her. She is a great student, respectful, etc. Surprised? She is coming out of her shell and will raise her hand and is starting to make friends in there. I LOVE the TCA. Couldn't be happier. I want to live here forever so all my kids can have Mrs. Meyers and go to TCA. Justin is 18 months old. And kind of pesty. He's SO much fun. We love watching him. He never stops talking. Ever. There's always something to say. He loves to eat burgers, pickles, apples, and candy. He asks for this all the time.
Next update will have new baby pictures attached. The countdown is really on now.
Hope you're all enjoying conference.
Love, Michelle
2007-09-28 Michelle's Update
Hi Everyone,
Attached are quite a few pictures. Enjoy. The first three are of what the kids do on a typical day. Ashley is drawing a picture, Katelyn is glue gunning beads together, and Justin is trying to destroy my house. The next few are of Ashley on the motorcycle. She's gotten brave since she's seen some boys in the ward do it. Then of the kids last sunday. Hans did Justin's hair. I'm not responsible for that. It was quite distracting to people in Sacrament meeting.
This week has been busy, as usual. The office is looking really good. The walls are all done and the cabinets and painting start early next week. We have 6 appointments scheduled, but I'm going to call friends who have said they would come and start scheduling more for the end of October. We're hoping for at least 3 patients every day for the first month. Hopefully we can do better. We did send out a huge postcard mailer to all the surrounding zip codes and we have an open house scheduled for November 6th. Lots to do. Hans is interviewing today. He had 7 interviews and they all looked good on their resumes, anyway. He was reviewing the 109 pages of what is illegal to ask in an interview. Written on that form was, " Do not ask if they have a tattoo." That's how in depth the "do not ask" portion of the paperwork was.
I have been busy getting Justin on medicine for his sinus infection and caught up with immunizations. I take him in on Tuesday to get caught up. It has been since he was 9 months old since he's had any and the Dr. was not very kind to me about it. I figure I will do them while we have insurance. I feel like the countdown is on. Only one more weekend until baby. We have been painting crown moulding and touching up paint in Justin's room. I've been trying to figure out where baby will go and where baby's stuff will go. I'm trying to arrange for the girls for the rest of October after the baby with school work, rides, etc. Lots of logistical planning. I'm getting there.
The kids are well and behaved. Thank goodness for that.
Hope all is well with you.
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