Hi Everyone,
Attached are some pictures of us making sugar cookies last night. It was a very exciting event for all. It's been awhile since we've done that. Justin particularly enjoyed helping. It just didn't seem quite so sanitary with the plumbers bum. Also some pictures of the zoo trip we took yesterday and of the office with its new sign on it. The office is looking good as it now has some walls. Hans has been reviewing resumes this week and is interviewing on Friday. He's found someone he wants for the dental assisting position, but is still reviewing for the front office manager. There are some strange resumes, he says. He advertised on Craig's list. I'm surprised at the response, especially considering it's part time and strange hours those 3 days a week. It's all coming together. It's hard to believe that he only has 10 days left at small smiles. He can't wait. We're hoping to survive it all mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially.
I am 37 weeks pregnant. That can pretty much describe how I'm feeling and doing. I feel like we keep busy with activities. Kindergarten, pre-school, ballet, playgroups, and playdates. Katelyn is dying to take gymnastics. She tells me she's going to take nastics instead of going to kindergarten. We suggested that a gymnastics career not take the place of an education, but she is pretty strong willed on this one. Everything is on hold until January as far as classes go for the girls. I plan on hibernating until then.
The girls are well. Ashley told me last week that she wants to own a small business when she grows up. I asked her what she wanted to sell and she said probably gardening stuff, and some fish, "well, maybe just a little bit of everything, like Walmart. I want to have a walmart." Very cute. She is enjoying kindergarten and learning new things. She's doing great with the new schedules. She is still a homebody and just wants to be here when she's not at school. She's not interested in playing with neighbors, etc. which has been slightly frustrating to me, but we're adjusting. Katelyn also wants my undivided attention and refuses to have playdates while Ashley's at school and Justin is napping because she knows she gets me to herself. I had to force her to go to playgroup one afternoon last week. This is also frustrating since I could potentially have two hours to myself. I'm trying to give them all the attention I can now, but it's exhausting. I feel like this pregnancy I am just in self-preservation. Any energy outside of just doing the day- to day I give to the kids. I don't have much left to socialize with friends and neighbors like I want to. I'm grateful for understanding friends and neighbors.
We are counting down til baby. We'll keep everyone posted. 14 days!
Love, Michelle
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