Hi Everyone,
We were able to go apple picking last week with Ashley's school so there are pictures attached from that. Ashley had a great time riding the bus. It was 45 minutes away. It was extremely hot, so she didn't have much fun beyond that. They did pick a bunch of apples and play some games. We made a delicious apple crisp, which I am single-handedly eating, as I am the only one that likes that kind of dessert.
Ashley got 8 inches cut off her hair and I cried about it. It looks so cute on her, I was just so upset at the girl that cut her hair because she didn't listen to what I wanted. She didn't actually know how to cut hair, although she is building a salon into her basement. Oh well. I won't go back. It's not at all even in the back and so I figure I will just wait a couple months and then get it cut again with a style. I was SO SO sad. She is doing well in school and has learned so much already. She loves learning spanish. I went on Friday to a 3 hour class about the curriculum they use. It's pretty intsense. I can't believe how much she will learn this year. I am trying to teach it to Hans since I am confident it will make him a better speller. He's on board.
Katelyn is doing well in school too. She loves that she gets to go more than actually being there. It makes her feel grown up. She is getting so tall and lean. I can't find any pants to fit her. 4t falls off her and 3t are way too short. What a problem, right? She loves her time with me while Ashley is at school. She asks everyday when Ashley is leaving. It's been so nice to reconnect with her. I love being with her as well. We read books, do education time, play a game - usually (katelyn says lusually) zingo, do her puzzles, and play outside. Justin sleeps almost the entire time. I am trying to find some one on one time for Ashley, but I haven't been able to do it yet. Ashley tells me she likes being at school more then she likes being at home. I'm happy she's found a place.
Justin is growing. He's 18 months this week. He is so grown-up, but still so much a baby. He loves to point out pictures of babies on the wall that are actually him. He'll identify Katelyn and Ashley, but he doesn't recognize himself. He has so many words, I can't even name them all anymore. Yesterday he rode by me on his bike, looked right at me, grinned, and said, "It's fun." Hans' favorite is green bean. He stands at the fridge and asks for green beans and pickles. Clear as anything. He can't wait for Halloween so he can eat as much candy as he can handle. He has my sweet tooth. He is my on the go kid. He always wants to be going. While we're at Ashley's soccer game, he goes up to everyone around and says go. He'd go with anyone. He screams when Hans leaves every morning because he wants to go to. He wakes up thinking about the bikes and wants to go. Unfortunately for him, he's usually home. The morning we spend around here and then he naps and then the girls have been busy all day and want to stay home. I'm trying to figure out when I can get him going somewhere. He's happy dragging on the floor behind the cart at Walmart.
Speaking of soccer, Ashley is quite the soccer star. I've been impressed at how aggressive she is in the field. She's so quiet and sweet everywhere else. I think sports may be a good outlet for her. She can outrun everyone on the team.
I'm well. I spent an hour in the hospital on Saturday thinking my water has broken after having contractions for 4-5 hours. Nothing painful, just wanting to be careful. I'm 36 weeks. I'm pretty much done. I can wait 3 weeks, I hope. I pray for endurance. The baby is really active and seems healthy. Being in a hospital gown hooked up to monitors was daunting for both Hans and I. We're nervous.
The practice is right on schedule. Hans has 15 days of work left at Small smiles. Hard to believe.
Miss you all,
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