I hope you're having a great Memorial Day weekend. We are staying home this
year, which is nice. Unfortunately, it is rainy weather or we'd be at the
pool right now. Today is the first day it opened, and we were hoping to
enjoy it. Instead, we are heading to the garage to clean it out. Sounds
fun, eh?
We've had a pretty busy week. The girls finished their last day of
preschool last Thursday. They had parties and said their good-byes. I am
sure that I will miss preschool more than they will. I liked having one day
a week to have four hours to myself. I got a lot accomplished in that time.
Ava is so excited for her birthday. She asks me each day, "Is today my
birthday?" We are going to have a small party for her on Monday. She wants
a birthday cake and balloons. She didn't want a party with friends. She is
low maintenance -- for now. We went to the zoo yesterday to start her
celebrations. It is the only she she has talked about in association with
her birthday for the past four months. We decided to go on Friday to beat
the weekend crowds. It also happened to be the opening of their oceans
exhibit. Ava was timid at first when we told her she could pet sharks in an
open tank. Once she saw Elsa doing it (and about 50 other children), she
was intrigued. Both girls had so much fun. Elsa would have stayed all
evening for the chance to pet "just one more shark." It is a good thing we
can go back often. Ava's favorite part is the penguins. They are so fun to
watch. She sleeps with her hard penguin figurines. I am still amazed at
her affinity towards animals. She LOVES them. She plays with her animals
all day long and then piles all her stuffed animals into bed with her at
night. She is definitely more into animals than anything else. Elsa, on the
other hand, loves her baby dolls, dress-ups, and crafts. Elsa loves to
color and draw. She had gotten quite good at drawing pictures. She
recently got a new set of markers, which she takes out first thing in the
morning and often it is the last thing we do in the evening. She keeps them
right next to the kitchen table so she can color with any spare time.
Elsa continues to enjoy swim lessons. She jumped off the diving board on
Wednesday and was so proud of herself. I was proud of her too. She made
sure that she called her grandparents to share her exciting news. It is fun
to watch her progress. She can't wait to show-off her new skills to Brian
in the neighborhood pool. (If only the weather would cooperate.) Elsa
enjoys soccer and runs hard. In last weeks game, she was a disstressed by
one little boy that just chased her around the field pushing her over from
behind. It was sure annoying to watch. Where was this boys parents to
teach him proper sportsmanship? After the third shove, Elsa was in tears.
She couldn't understand why someone would be intentionally mean to her. I
realized that I will face many heartaches as my girls experience unfavorable
circumstances in life.
Brian is definitely beating me at exercising. He biked into work three
times this week. I was saying to Tom that I am not sure if it is really for
exercise or to save money on gas. Lucky for Brian, he can accomplish both.
The bike ride each way is 24 miles. He will reach his 100 mile goal for the
week. I am impressed with his fortitude and determination. I need to
follow his example. Brian is slightly discouraged with the boat. It isn't
running well, even after recent repairs. I can't believe we haven't been
out on it yet. Last year we had it in the water at the beginning of April
and went out at least two to three evenings a week, but this has been a busy
spring for us with our trips to Portugal and New York. We don't have any
trips planned for the near future. (We need to save up again for travel
expenses.) We'd love for any of you to come visit. We'll promise to get the
boat running properly by the time you arrive. We have lots of fun here in
the summer with the boat, the pool, and other attractions. We haven't done
a compelling sell to have you visit Indiana. Hopefully, this will change!
We finished our garden last week and we're pleased to watch all the spouts
coming up the ground. We planted cucumbers, carrots, chili peppers,
zucchini, squash, brocolli, and tomatoes. I also planted a few herbs, which
I am most excited about. We are going to our Ward's Progressive Dinner
tonight. We have some fun couple in our ward that we both enjoy, so we are
looking forward to going. We hope the rain lets up for Monday so we can be
outside and enjoy Ava's birthday. I can't believe I have a three-year old
as my baby. They do grow-up quickly. It is so fun for me to spend my time
with them. They bring me joy!
We miss you all. Have a great weekend.
The Heaths
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