Hi Everyone,
It's been an eventful week as far as the weather goes:) We had a blizzard on Tuesday which closed the schools down for two days and kept us stuck inside. Then by Friday and for this whole weekend it has been rather hot. Today was over 80. We somehow skipped the 60s and 70s. We're enjoying sunscreen, playing on bikes, drawing with chalk, playing with water and the pool, collecting bugs and painting, among other outdoor activities. It's SO nice to have other families here this spring/summer. The girls go out and play with the neighbor kids. They are much younger, but the kids are good humored with them. Today the girls had their faces painted by the neighbor girls outside and they had a nice course set up with cones to ride their bikes through. We do this everyday. Justin absolutely LOVES to chase the girls while they ride their bikes. He tries to run, which is amusing. Yesterday he would run straight forward, come to a complete stop, spin in 1-2 circles, and then take of running in a straight line again. It looked like some sort of basketball drill and he thought he was quite funny. I love how much he likes himself. He says "HIIIIIIII" to everyone we see, whether or not they are looking at us. Every sacrament meeting he loves to make a mad dash for the pulpit, laughing the whole time. I inevitably have to take him out of the meeting. He also screams at the deacons passing the sacrament until he gets some, which inspired us to sit right behind the deacons so we get it first. I cut his hair this week. He is very blonde. My blondest baby. Plus he is getting tan. He's quite handsome:)
The girls are great and really enjoying the outside activities. Katelyn is amazing on her bike. She would ride all day if I could handle it. They jump for hours everyday on the trampoline. They're getting lots of exercise. Katelyn has been crashing at 6 or before at night and sleeping 12 hours straight. It all wears her out. She also got really sunburned, despite the sunscreen I put on her face. I need to do better. Ashley is getting much braver about talking to other kids she doesn't know and has loved having all the kids out. She and the neighbor Kadie ride a lot and jump together a lot. It's nice to have this for her. She keeps begging me to chop her hair off, but I can't bring myself to do it. It's so pretty. She hates the washing and brushing of hair so I can't really blame her. I may take her to get it bobbed eventually.
I accepted the job at the hospital since I passed my drug screening. I am having serious second thoughts, but I think it will be enjoyable and stimulating. The HUGE downside is that it is all at night. I wish I could find something enjoyable and stimulating during the daytime, but then I have to find babysitting. Oh well. I think they are out of their minds to hire me so I feel like I have to give it a chance and put in my time. I told them I would commit to 6 months part-time and then drop to one shift a week. or about 3 shifts a month is more like what I will do. Part time, thankfully, really only means 3 shifts every pay period. Not too bad. I'm looking forward to using my nursing skills and working, I'm just worried about staying awake. I have a hard time keeping my eyes open past 9 pm. I am also having a baby in 5 months so I'm hoping my 6 month commitment can be negotiated down to 4 months. We'll see how it all goes. I told myself I would give it a 1 month chance. My daytime training starts May 14th for 2 weeks so I am scrambling for babysitters since the kids are all still in school. Then I start nights. I am trying to find someone to babysit my girls here the day after I work for 6 hours or so while I sleep. They announced it in young women's today and quite a few were interested so I just need to start calling them. They guaranteed me one shift could be Friday or Saturday nights so I can sleep while Hans is home.
Writing all that about the job makes me think I am crazy to do this. How do you do it Emily? You are pregnant with the third and doing this. Any advice?
Hope all is well with all of you!
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