Abby will be seven this week. She is excited to have a cooking party. They will make pizzas, fruit kebobs with dip, lemon spritzers, and make and decorate their own birthday cakes. They will decorate aprons and play toss the egg, blindfold the cook, hot potato and break a pinata. I only hope I can stay ahead of everybody and keep everyone happy. I'll let you know how it goes.
Will is still a star wars fan. He is Luke Skywalker, sometimes super Luke. Coray gets to be Han Solo and I get to be Chewbaca. Don't worry. I'm not too offended to be the fat hairy guy. He has some good friends and is used to a play date everyday. He has the most active social life of any of us. I love his happy little attitude. We went bowling over spring break and Will does it all by himself. He bowls the ball (which is a little frightening) and then he can run alongside the alley, pass his ball which is barely rolling and watch it crash the pins. He got one spare. My favorite part is his little strut when his turn is over. He knows how cool he is.
Sarah is turning one on Saturday. I can't believe it. She has learned to blow out candles and is very proud of herself when she does. It is more spitting than blowing but it still puts out the candles. She loves balls now and will walk around throwing and picking up a ball over and over. Her grandpa teases her and rolls the ball between her legs which almost sends her into a somersault as she watches it roll beneath her. She knows the hot spots in our house and will go to them and look at me with a "are you going to stop me?" attitude.
She knows "so big" "yay" "bye-bye" and can nod and shake her head, and say "no-no" and "night-night" and "dad". Mostly she just wanders around our house looking for trouble.
Our landscaping should be going in in a few weeks. Coray is busy with work and I am busy doing kids dance, soccer, gymnastics, school, piano, scouts, etc. Someday I will pick up a hobby or something of my own.
Love you all,
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