Hi Everyone,
It has been a crazy last couple of weeks. We made the drive to Utah, which proved uneventful and quick. We were happy with that. It is only 7 1/2 hrs of driving time. We stopped a few times on the way there, but only stopped for gas on the way home. It was a lot of driving, but the kids did great. Justin slept 4 hours of the drive home. Nice. Poor guy has been going through it. I think I finally have it solved, as of this morning. Absolutely no dairy or soy and the diarrhea and vomitting are under control. That's hard for me to do though. I rely on cheese and yogurt for snacks. Not to mention all the stuff that has dairy in it that I forget about. He seems to like the rice milk and he is definately feeling better. Yea. I'm hoping to reintroduce some dairy in a month or two when his body gets over the shock of it. He had his birthday a couple weeks ago. We celebrated in Utah and he loved the cake and attention. He weighs in at 21 lbs and is 28 1/2 inches long (I think). It was something like 50 % for weight and 47 for height. He's not a big guy. He is walking speedily and nearly running. He has the strangest baby talk of any kid I've heard. It doesn't sound like English. It's interesting. He'll be a talker. He loves his sisters. He runs and gives Ashley a hug whenever he wakes up. Ashley is great with him. Katelyn is better with him and will help him play.
The other news is that I am pregnant. 12 weeks. It's been sickness, as usual, but I am starting to feel better. I felt a lot better the first weekend in Utah, but it was all downhill there after Katelyn got the stomach flu, Justin's diarrhea, and then I got the flu. I am feeling slightly recovered this morning. The Zofran helps a lot, but I run out the end of this week. My insurance will not cover any more of it and it is too expensive to really consider paying out of pocket now that I am not in my death bed. I'm hoping I don't get too sick as the medicine wears off. I'm cutting the pills in half to make it last longer. I'm due the 15th of October (the 16th?). I can't remember. I'm hoping to have it the very beginning of October so I don't repeat my experience with Justin. Justin will be 18 months old. We'll see how we all adjust.
Hans is busy with practice stuff. Although now I am being fickle wondering if I really want to stay here forever. I have a hard time committing to anything for longer then a few years. I already have the moving bug. I'm glad Hans humours me in this. As a grown-up the longest I've lived in any one place is in Maryland. And that had a definite end to it so I never felt ancy about moving on. I wonder why I do this?
Where would you all move if you could pick anywhere? I'm interested...
Hope all is well with all of you and Happy Easter:)
Love, Michelle
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