Hello All,
So first things first, GO COLTS!! It has been crazy with the Superbowl
frenzie, you would think that with all the news coverage, the event took
place in Indianapolis. IT is lots of fun to see the excitement EVERYWHERE
we go. As you know, Brian and I aren't huge football fans. We'll watch an
occasional game. But with the Colts success, we've been more into the
games. Elsa and Ava had blue and white day last Thursday at preschool. I
didn't have any royal blue, which is shameful considering it is also BYU's
colors. I did find some ribbon that was royal blue with white polka dots.
It was enough for Elsa to tie bows in her hair, I thought. I got to
preschool to find all the kids dressed in Colts cheerleader uniforms or
football jerseys. At the least, they were wearing blue shirts. Friday
afternoon, we decorated sugar cookies with one of Elsa's preschool friends.
Her mother, Suzin, is a professional cookie and cake decorator. It was lots
of fun and the girls loved it. We actually painted the frosting onto the
cookies. Elsa did a good job with the pastry bag accenting her cookie
decorations. I was impressed. I attached a picture to show you our
afternoon creation. They tasted good too!
We are surviving the extremely cold temperature here. I guess it was our
turn to have dry cold weather. Unfortunately, it has come at a time when we
are in the middle of potty-training, which means frequent, very frequent,
hand washing. Poor little Ava's hands are chapped, cracked, and bleeding.
I try putting lotion on them, but that stings her hands. Elsa has chapped
lips and gets frequent bloody noses. We now have a humidifer running
non-stop. It doesn't seem to be helping too much. It is interesting to see
the impact of the weather on the inside of our house. Our moulding has
cracks in the edges. The humidity makes it swell in the summer so you don't
notice it. Interesting, don't you think? Maybe I am just a bored housewife
to notice these kind of things. We are definitely feeling homebound. Today
especially. The schools were either cancelled or given a two-hour delay.
They (meaning the schoolboard and city officials) claim that it is due to
the extreme weather. I, however, know it is because everyone has hangovers
from partying so hard during the superbowl. Anyway, speech therapy and
playgroups were cancelled so we really have no reason to go out. Maybe I am
a party pooper, but even the thought of going out for my birthday seems like
too much work. Am I really that old? Don't answer.
I introduced our new enrichment program yesterday. I got a pretty good
response, so that is something to look forward to. I now need to start
organizing groups. I am looking forward to a successful year. I enjoy
being in Relief Society, more than I thought. I first thought that I would
miss being in primary. I substituted last week with just half the number of
kids from my class that I taught last year. Still, by the end of class Zach
Richards was on the bottom of the dog pile with James Gerstner, Wyatt
Anderson, and Cathy Davis piled on top. Each was pulling the cheeks of the
person below them. It was total chaos, and our room was right across the RS
room where all their mothers were listening quietly to a nice lesson. I no
longer miss primary(well sort of). The Elders Quorum took over for the
Young Women and Primary so all the women could attend the Enrichment
kick-off. Elsa loved having Brian in primary playing the piano. He says it
is his dream calling. It would be my worst nightmare, but that is because I
don't play the piano!
We are looking forward to warmer weather, which seems so far from right now.
But life is good. The girls are doing great! Ava is slow, more than slow,
in really embracing the joy of being potty-trained. We have at least one
"accident" a day, usually pooping in her underwear. (Maybe too much
information.) I get frustrated. I feel like I can't quit because I've
invested the last three weeks in potty-training. We stay home as much as
possible. When we are out, we frequent the disgusting public restrooms. It
is a battle to keep the girls from touching every germ infested part of the
toilets and other contraptions in women's restrooms. Ugh. Or more like
I am grateful for my darling girls. They keep me happy, enthused, and busy.
What would I do without them? I hope you're all doing well. Thanks for all
the phone calls and birthday wishes. Family is the best. Brian just
surprised me by coming home a couple hours early. So we'll go out to dinner
afterall. We are heading out. We love you.