There were heat records set all week with poor, old folks suffering the most. We however had the benefit of air conditioning in our apartment and in the temple. One day the temp hit 100, but all week the news reported 'heat index' temps, which is the temp it 'feels like', of over 100.
I jumped as a mouse ran out of my closet, and we spotted this or other mice several times each night. Clark Davis gave us a sticky mouse trap, and we finally caught a mouse on Saturday night. Oren and Penny Parrott, our next door neighbors, have been plagued with mice for a couple of weeks, and they caught three mice, one by hand he claimed - no she didn't cut of their tails with a carving knife. Carolyn Hughes could hear a mouse struggling as it was stuck to the trap under her oven.
With the temple closing for two weeks, the Enkes left early because of their daughter's problem pregnancy, the Garffs left for SLC, and the Nelsons finished their mission and left for home on Friday. We had our last temple shift on Saturday. Our brief temple 'mission' is over.

Monday, July 15 - we took the subway to Coney Island with the Davises and on the way home we stopped at Brooklyn Battery Park at the area called Dumbo (for down under the Brooklyn Bridge). We ate an ice cream cone at the Brooklyn Ice Cream factory, Paula rode the carousel. We ate dinner at the Shake Shack with the Petersons on the way to the free NY Philharmonic concert in Central Park which along with 200,000 other couldn't hear or see very well so we left early. We were able to FaceTime with Will on his birthday.
Tuesday, July 16 - I waited around and took a consulting call from Orexigen regarding PTH. This was a waste of time. We had permission to leave the temple early to see Erin Palmer Morley perform with the Metropolitan Opera in Central Park. We called Dave Palmer during intermission to tell him Erin was doing wonderfully. Erin had a nice review in the NY Times the next day.

Wednesday, July 17 - We took the subway and ferry to Staten Island with the Tappens, church education missionaries who live in our apartment building. On Staten Island we visited the Snug Harbor botanical garden which was somewhat dilapidated and reportedly a former home for old sailors. There was a very nice Chinese garden donated by the Chinese government but also somewhat run down. The only other people in the park were school children on a youth camp of some sort.

Thursday, July 18 - bike ride around Central Park.
Friday, July 19 - we walked around Greenwich Village and ate lunch at the Lobster Place at Chelsea Market in the heat and humidity of the current heat wave.

Saturday, July 20 - we finished our temple service; FaceTime with the Egberts; went to 'Trip to Bountiful' on Broadway; bought groceries at Whole Foods on the way home
Sunday, July 21 - Finally caught a mouse in the sticky traps given us by Davises. Attended a ward in Harlem with the Petersons
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