Our weekend was a difficult one. Paula was ailing from too much physical labor in the temple, and we had a difficult outing on Saturday to New Canaan with Janet and Larry Peterson. We weren't sure where to go in Westport following New Canaan, and everyone had an opinion on which road to travel even though there was no specific final destination. We barely made it back to Manhattan for our temple shift at 2 pm. We settled for lunch on the street in Southport with a quick drive by of the beach area, but we missed a visit to a grocery store.
On Sunday Paula was worn out from the emotions of the excursion and the temple. In the evening we waiting in line for standby tickets to see 'A Comedy of Errors' at Shakespeare in the Park only to get the last ticket - one between us. I attended the play and Paula walked home.

On Monday I played golf at the oldest public golf course in the US - Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx - at the invitation of Joe Jensen, a former Pfizer colleague and currently a sealer at the temple. The course was densely wooded with narrow fairways and some water. Rain was threatening but never came. We both shot 82 - remarkable for me since I was using a borrowed set of clubs. He invited me to play on Thursday as well, but I declined. Joe dropped me off at our apartment and I took the subway to 28th Street and met Paula and our fellow temple missionaries in heavy rain at the High-Line Park created on top of an elevated train line that is no longer in use. The trail was beautifully landscaped and an enjoyable walk from 30th Street to about 10th Street. We left the park near its southern terminus to visit Chelsey market and to eat lunch. The market is interesting and similar to Trolley Square. It was originally a factory where Oreo's were developed. We were all soaked from the rain.

In the afternoon we went to our first movie in NYC - Twenty Feet from Stardom - a documentary about the hopes and dreams of back-up singers who perform with the big stars. They are close to stars and stardom, and are essential to a star's singing performance, but don't get much recognition or chance to perform.
Despite reservations we drove the Public Affairs van to Clifton New Jersey for a visit to Costco. I drove, Ann Jones rode shotgun (to avoid motion sickness) and Janet Peterson and Paula rode in the back. I had studied the route carefully, so there was no indecision on the roads, tunnels and bridges. The only frustration was Ann Jones, being a low talker. We filled the car with food and made the entire round trip in about two hours. Remarkable!.
On July 4th Brian, Elsa and Ava arrived at 5 pm from LAX. They took the LIRR to Penn Station where we met them, had a bite to eat, went to our apartment to get settled and then out for fireworks on the Hudson River with the Davises. Earlier in the day we enjoyed a picnic in Central Park with the other temple missionary couples and took the subway with the Davies to Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx.
Brian and I started Friday with a long bike ride through Central Park up to Colombia University and up the Hudson River to the George Washington Bridge. We all then walked across Central Park to 5th Ave, visited the Apple Store and FAO Schwartz, walked through St Patrick's Cathedral and walked around Grand Central Station where we ate lunch. We walked up to Times Square where Paula, ever resourceful, was able to get tickets for Brian, Elsa and Ava to see 'Annie'. We left them for our temple shift, and they saw the movie and went on a tall ship cruise.
Saturday - Bike ride to Battery Park with Brian/ Move to Apartment 6D/ Empire State building/ Madame Tousseau's while Paula stood in line for Broadway tickets/ Tall ship cruise/ 'Cinderella'
Sunday - church - interesting F&T meeting, bike ride around Central Park, visit to the Museum of Natural History, walk on the Hudson River, lost ring