We enjoyed a couple of days with the Egberts and Conleys in St. George. We cheered Melanie and Michelle as they raced in the St. George marathon with distinction.

Michelle finished at 3 hr 32 minutes which qualified her for the Boston Marathon and placed her 50th among women her age and 156th among all women.

Melanie placed 162nd among men her age. We don't know why she was classified with the men. Her time of 3 hrs 46 minutes was terrific. Interestingly, Mindy's neighbor, Kim, finished one place behind Melanie in her age group. Melanie would have finished 162nd among women her age, and 367th among all women.

After the race while their moms were at dinner with Grandma, we flew Grandpa's kite. It got stuck on the roof and Grandpa lifted Elizabeth onto the roof for the rescue. With wind blowing, lightning striking, rain falling Elizabeth rescued the kite. All the other grandchildren wanted a turn as well.
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