Brigham Young said of stillborn children, “they are all right… and nothing in the way of sealings or ordinances need be done for them.”
-Bruce R. McConkie, comp. Doctrines of Salvation, 2:281
Joseph Fielding Smith wrote his feelings about it. “There is no information given by revelation in regard to the status of stillborn children. However, I will express my personal opinion that we should have hope that these little ones will receive a resurrection and then belong to us.”
-Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 2:280
Brigham Young said, “When the mother feels life come to her infant it is the sprit entering the body.”
-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 17:143
“A miscarriage is delivery of a dead fetus, before it is viable—that is, before it could have lived on its own outside the mother’s womb. A stillbirth is delivery of the dead fetus that has developed to the point where it would normally have been viable, but for some reason is born dead. The line between a miscarriage and a stillbirth is not clear cut, and sometimes there is a question as to whether the fetus was viable. In this case, the decision to record or not to record the name on the family records is up to the family. The family may give the stillborn child a name for recording purposes, if they desire, and funeral services may even be held. But such children are not reported as births or deaths on Church records.”
-Val D. Greenwood, manager of special services, Temple Department, “I Have a Question” Ensign September 1987, p. 27-28
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