Savannah is the first of the Roylance 'phase 2' grandchildren to marry, and she set a good example by marrying in the temple. We were able to participate when Savannah received her endowment on April 19. We attended the wedding dinner on April 22 at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. We had front row seats at the wedding ceremony and along with the Fords and Mindy and Sarah we spent a long time at the reception on April 23.
This photo was taken in April 2002 when Savannah was at Alta HS. She met Wren on her first day at Alta as a sophomore, and they have been a couple ever since. Emily or Rachel may be the next of the second group of Roylance grandchildren to marry.

This is a photo of Adam and Savannah. Adam couldn't attend the wedding because of his summer work committment in New York City.
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