Hi Everyone,
It's hard to believe we are starting school this week. It makes it feel like August is over. It's been a really stressful week. It's crazy how fast the time goes and how much we end up cramming into everyday. It's exhausting. I've been in nesting super-drive. I wish I could tone it down. I'm trying. I've rarely seen Hans this stressed. Luckily, he handles it well. We are trying to balance each other out. I try to remain calm when he is panicking and he does the same for me. Which is easier for him since I'm stressing about ridiculous things. I will be happy to have the girls in school and all those preparations finished. Turns out the TCA where Ashley is attending school is a little snobby. I think it will be good once she's started, it's just made my getting ready that much more difficult. I think I am there though. I am SO happy to find out that her teacher is Mrs. Meyers. She is absolutely the teacher I wanted. She is also in class with three of her friends, one being her best friend Kaylee. They are very excited. They are also in ballet together so they spend lots of time with one another. It makes my life easier. I am driving all carpools through september so I can have all of October off. She starts on Thursday. Katelyn starts Tuesday. She is really really really excited now. She is starting gymnastics and a weekly playgroup as well. Busy busy. It is nice to know all this will be in place and going for a month before I have the baby so that we are adjusted to the new schedule.
Justin is doing well. He is napping now. Nice and early. We are struggling with the bedtime and sleeping schedule. I just let him sleep whenever he feels like it, which means he can be up until 10 and still up at 6 and then not so much fun during the day. It will be good to get him on a routine as well. He is an amiable fellow, thank goodness. He is still talking a ton. I love hearing him learn so much everyday. He now can show you where his nose is and says "nose" in a high-pitched voice. He also loves pointing out noses on baby dolls and whatever else has a nose. He also can identify his ears, eyes, and belly-button. He has perfected the word "candy" thanks to the girls birthday party candy being all over the house yesterday. He was wired on lollipops. He cannot rest when candy is around. He just points at it and yells mine. He saw me hide it and prompty pushed his chair over and climbed up onto the counter and searched for it. He's still a hazard.
Other than that I think things are pretty much the same. I look much more pregnant this week than last. At least I think so. I'm 32 weeks now. I get crazy looks still. For exercise I have been putting Justin in the backpack and the girls in the double jogger and walking as fast as I can. It's quite the workout, but people look at me like I am out of my mind. I need a triple jogger, I suppose.
Hans is busy, busy and stressed. He still manages to find time to do some crown moulding for me, play his new x-box, and socialize with friends. We just hope the practice works out and supports our family.
Hope all is well with you.
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