Hi Everyone,
It's now June 15th. I must have gotten busy on the 10th:)
Things are well here. My pregnant belly is growing. We had the ultrasound last friday and everything looks good as far as they can tell. It's always nice to hear that. The doctor only gave me two pictures of the skull and drew the eyes, nose, and mouth on it and now it looks like a graffitied (spelling?) picture. I was slightly bugged. Hans thought it was very funny. He still laughs about it. What in the world was she thinking? Among other reasons I've decided to switch OBs. I feel good about it. I have an appointment with the new one next month. For some reason I was just so emotional over the whole Drs appointment and talking to him and stuff. I think it just brought back memories of the physical pain I endured with Justin. Don't know if I am quite ready to feel all that again. The dr won't do my c-section until October 11. I'll be 39 1/2 weeks. He says it's the altitude and small babies, etc. but I think it just works better with his schedule. So I am excited to see what the new Dr will do. I tried convincing him that I wouldn't make it that far and he wouldn't listen. I could go on and on about that appointment. I was in tears and MAD!!
Other then that I am great. I am still running and lifting weights, but have had to stop doing the power yoga. Too many akward poses with my belly. So now I get to do prenatal yoga and connect all the love in my heart to the love I feel for my baby. It's nice:)
Hans is good. He is so busy. I always say this. I think every night this week he was home late. He has short meetings at lunch and then after work with various people. Everything is moving forward nicely. We have a business phone now and I designed and printed 1000 business cards. I was proud of myself. I already started passing them out. I also activated a business cell phone for myself to answer and left a cheesy greeting about Cordera family dentistry. I feel very proud of Hans when I see the business card with his name nice and big on it. It makes it all so official. The architect has completed his portion and now we are waiting on permits, etc. Hans officially receives the keys to the office today after work. He'll put in notice at small smiles on June 1 or so, meaning his last day will be October 1 so we can have small smiles insurance through the end of the month to help pay for the c-section. I am working on designing a website, which I am excited about. I'm waiting on the business credit cards to come in the mail so I can pay for all of it with that. I can't wait for the first random person to call me so I can set up an appointment. Very exciting.
The kids are great. Justin is recovering from hand, foot, and mouth. I am 3 for 3 on this strange virus. It has hit Justin the least severely. This is the thing that landed Ashley in the hospital at 9 months with dehydration and then me a week later with dehydration. I was worried the hospital staff would think we were just looking for attention. Justin is so cute. I have a special place in my heart for him. He is talking a lot. He says daddy, mommy, ball, pancake, bottle, milk, uh-oh (this whenever he drops anything out of his crib on purpose), ba-bye, yeah, and I am sure there are more I am missing. He says yeah to every question. So cute. He has such a pretty voice too. It's very high and girly, making his daddy proud. That and his obsession with Katelyn's shoes. He is running at full speed now and has great coordination thanks to running in circles around the trampoline while his sisters jump. He is extremely blonde and tan and just pretty. I can't describe him any other way.
The girls are busy. I bought Ashley some soccer cleats and shin guards and taught her how to play and she is really really great at it. She is a good runner. I can't wait for her to be old enough to go running with me. She is doing soccer camp next month and playing in the fall. She starts up ballet again in July. She is growing up. She will be 5 in a couple weeks and is excited for her slip n slide party with a pinata. This is all she wanted. We've invited 10 of her friends. All of which she couldn't do without at the party. It will be nice and crazy.
Katelyn is as fun as ever. She still does crafts from morning til evening. She loves to wrestle with Justin and chase him around. He loves to play with her as well. I'm grateful they are beginning to be good friends. It gives me hope for when Ashley is at school everyday. Katelyn has no body fat making it not too much fun to be at the swimming pool. She just lays with a towel on her and I feel SO hot for her. She says she's cold. I can't get her to stay in the water for long, but if you ask her what she wants to do this weekend she says, "take daddy to the swimming pool." I guess to have someone to sit with her by the side since he has no body fat either. She is into soup right now and had a bowl of chicken noodle soup for breakfast since she didn't feel like eating her pancakes. She especially loves barley. Interesting tastes. She has no interest in taking ballet, soccer, or swimming lessons. She just would rather stay home and hold me. She is sweet and affectionate.
This is getting rather lengthy, so I have to say I am proud of those who made it this far:) I'm grateful for all of you and excited to see who I can while in Utah next week.
Love, Michelle
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