We just completed a long weekend of "Vacation at Home." I took Thursday and Friday off work to give us a very long weekend from July 4th until today. So here's what we did:
July 4th -- Natalie and I planned the First Fishers' Ward Annual July 4th Breakfast at a park near our house. We were proud of ourselves because 80 people showed up and seemed to have a good time. We spend the rest of the day at 2 different barbecue parties and then went out on our boat with another couple to watch July 4th fireworks over the lake. Ava fell asleep 5 minutes into the boat ride and so missed the whole event. Elsa, on the other hand, thought the fireworks were beautiful.
On July 5th and 6th, we rested in the morning and went boating in the afternoon. On Friday, Ava surprised us by volunteering to go tubing with Elsa. As soon as the boat sped up, Ava ducked her head inside the tube so it looked like only Elsa was out there. As soon as the boat slowed, however, Ava would pop her head up like a mole with a big smile on her face.
On both Thursday and Friday we tried to get passports for Elsa and Ava for our driving trip to Niagara falls. On Thursday, we learned that while a burka is acceptable in a passport photo (for religious reasons), a hair bow could be concealing a weapon of mass destruction and is therefore unacceptable. On Friday, we arrived 15 minutes after they stopped accepting passport applications, but 45 minutes before the Post Office closed. So, we've decided to not apply for passports. We'll harbor our 2 little hairbow-wearing terrorists securely in the United States. Tough luck, Canada.
On Friday night, we set up the tent in the backyard and continued our "Vacation at Home," with "Camping at Home." It was great because it cooled down at night and we were all very comfortable. The only difference was that we were sleeping about 35 feet away from where we normally sleep.
On Saturday morning, a 4-year old neighbor had a birthday and her parents arranged for a petting zoo to be set up in the front yard. Elsa and Ava had a great time riding a pony, hold a bunny, a chick, and petting some goats. Ava was sitting right outside the fence of a small pony and narrowly escaped being DUMPED on.
We spent the afternoon swimming at the pool. Elsa, our social butterfly, jumped in the middle of 4 older boys and taught them a couple of games in the pool. All the parents were either amused or amazed at her social and organization skills and said she would grow up to either be a CEO or a cruise director. I'm thinking that cruise directors probably get great discounts for family and friends. Elsa is turning into quite a swimmer and thoroughly enjoys the pool.
Ava, who likes to be naked, surprised us one morning by coming into our room with nothing on but her frog tube. I edited the picture so it is appropriate for viewing. She is a firecracker lately. She is either completely hamming it up with silly faces and funny sounds or scowling at anyone who approaches her.
We miss you all and hope to see you soon,
The Heaths