Our Hawaii trip was great. It was fun just relaxing and being together. With the time change, we would wake up early. The first day, we woke up and drove to breakfast, then drove to the North Shore to Sunset beach. We relaxed on the beach for a while and I was feeling pretty good - like I had really let down and was enjoying just relaxing. Then I looked at my watch and it was 10 a.m. I kind of panicked about having to relax for the rest of the day and another 5 days. But we settled in and enjoyed being together and snokeling and hiking and dining and reading on the beach. We had a great time.
The kids are all out of school. We finished last week. They all did great. We started our summer with two injuries. Jonathan was playing on the newly poured foundation of our neighbors house and some rebar split his leg open. He has six stitches just below his knee. He seems to be healing quickly though. And Sarah had two falls on Thursday night which scraped up her forehead and gave her a black and blue eye and a big scrape on her cheek bone that almost open up for stitches but didn't, luckily. She looked like a little abused ophan but she is healing quickly. The swelling is all down and she should be all better in a few days. She had to miss her photo shoot for her one year old pictures though. Now they will be even later.
On Memorial day we went on a hike. We didn't let the kids watch a movie in the car on the way there and told them to just enjoy nature. A little while later Will says, "Do we have to hike in all that nature?"
On Friday night we went camping up on the Alpine loop. We got everything all set up and we discovered Sarah is scared of the tent. She only wanted to be held which makes it not as fun. It was probably five oclock in the morning before I got Sarah happy and was actually getting some sleep myself when I wake up to Will saying "I hate camping." No fussing or whining, just 'I hate camping." So Abby, Sarah, Will and I spent the rest of the night in the car. Imagine me on the back bench of our van with Abby, Sarah and Will. No wonder I have personal space issues. In spite of it all I am sure we will go again. We want to plan a Moab trip if anyone is interested.
Jonathan has a basketball camp this week and Abby starts a sewing class. I don't have anything scheduled for Will and am feeling guilty about it. Whenever he is mad at me he tells me I can't be Princess Leah so it serves him right.
We go to Idaho this weekend to see the Ashtons and then to Bear Lake at the end of June.
That's all for now. Love you all.
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