Hello All,I am sending a quick update to say hello. We've been enjoying the holidayseason. It has been especially fun with Elsa and Ava. They bring suchwonder and excitement to Christmas activities. We went to the mall to visitSanta. Elsa had a great time and sat next to him for a while just chatting.As soon as Ava saw Santa, she turned to me and said, "I need to go home,Mommy. Now!" Elsa convinced Ava that Santa was nice and would bring herpresents if she told him what she wanted. Ava reluctantly approached theold man and seem paralized the whole time she was near him. Oh, well. Some of my Christmas activities have back-fired on me. I had a few of theneighbors kids over to make corn flake wreaths (like rice krispie treats butwith corn flakes), which was something I did with my siblings as a child.The kids were excited once they saw the marshmellows melting, but once I putgreen food coloring in, they wouldn't have anything to do with it. Only onechild, a seven-year old, enjoyed making the edible wreaths. Elsa musteredsome courage and would at least touch her wreath to decorate with candyhots. Once again, oh, well.And the biggest oh, well...I broke my nose yesterday. Yes, I know it isperfect timing to see family and friends with a gash between my eyes,black-eyes, and a swollen nose. It is almost too embarressing to tell howit happened. Maybe in a another week or so, when the pain and swelling goesdown, I'll find the humor in all of this. I was unloading groceries fromthe trunk of the mini-van. I had my arms full of groceries and slammed downthe back door. I was either too strong or too slow since the edge of thedoor hit the bridge of my nose. I nearly passed out from the force andpain. Once I got inside, I saw blood gushing from my nose and between myeyes. After spending about 3 hours at the ER, x-rays confirmed a brokennose. There isn't anything they can do until the swelling goes down to seeif the alignment is off. I got liquid stitches (dermabond) placed over thecut and am now icing my wounds. So there. I bet you never heard that onebefore. Afterwards, we picked up the girls and still went to our wardChristmas party. We are die-hards. Brian was kind enough to take picturesfor posterity. One is included. My vanity is slightly suffering, buthonestly, it could be a lot worse. We are now feeling the rush of getting ready for our trip to Utah.Yesterday wasn't very productive, so I am even more behind with my long listof things to do. Maybe in the new year I'll get on top of responsibilities,the newsletter, bills, cleaning my house, etc., etc. I hope you're alldoing well. I am thinking of all of you. I have enjoyed seeing pictures andgetting updates from you in the mail. My cards will be a little later thisyear. Hopefully, this will suffice for now.Love,Natalie
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