June 3, 2018
Dear Elder Christensen,
Joshua arrived safely in Scottsdale Arizona where he awaits his visa to the Philippines. We loved a few photos of him and his companions that we found on the Scottsdale mission blog. We pray for him, and for you, every day, asking the Lord to bless you both with success and safety. 
We looked intently for Joshua during the 'Be One' broadcast, and maybe he was in the MTC group that was singing, but we couldn't pick him out of the crowd. We're hopeful that you were able to see this broadcast and share it with your large pool of investigators. We pray for your success in teaching these folks the Gospel..
It's been a busy week for us. Abby graduated from Lone Peak and left Saturday morning for Peru followed by a few weeks in India. After her graduation ceremony we ate dinner at your home with your Nana, Karen and Camille, and we discussed Abby's summer plans - which are extensive. There were a lot of her fellow 794 Lone Peak graduates who are off to serve missions this summer, and one of the speakers said he was leaving in 6 days. Abby hopes to serve next year, after one year at the U of U. We are looking forward to Benjamin's graduation on June 6.

Sarah graduated from the 6th grade - the last Christensen to attend elementary school. She was on the student council and her role was to honor her fellow students on their birthdays by announcing them in the morning office broadcast. Will and his team won the Lone Peak 7 on 7 tournament with Will making a few spectacular catches. They call him 'Little Jonny'.
Ava finished the 8th grade, and now she'll join Elsa in high school next year. She's beautiful, smart and well-liked by her classmates. By next year Elsa will have her driver's license and will drive them both to early morning seminary. It's quite a sacrifice for them to start their day so early, but they will be blessed for it. Your mom took four years of early morning seminary, and I'm sure this built and strengthened her testimony. 
Elsa, Ava, and Greta are coming this week for a basketball camp at BYU. We're excited to see them! We tried to get Ashley and Katelyn here as well, but the Egberts had other plans. The Conleys will be in California for a family reunion so there won't be much of a cousins' party.
Anders graduated from kindergarten. He told Grandma that he didn't think he would make it in kindergarten because it was too hard to read, but he did great. Your Heath cousins sure love and care for your youngest cousin, Lena. Her hair is amazing, and she's learned how to crawl which creates a safety problem for the Heaths in their house.
Grandma is preparing to teach her Relief Society lesson on the Book of Mormon. She is using President Monson's talk from the April 2017 Sunday morning session of General Conference. You should read this again if you get a chance. She'll probably refer to your 'Book of Mormon Challenge' you use in contacting efforts. We love your stories of the success you have with this approach.
We pray for you each day!